HomeinetGoogle and Meta tend to pay their software engineers better

Google and Meta tend to pay their software engineers better

Η Google and the Meta tend to pay their software engineers more than their other colleagues in the big tech, according to new data from the Blind, an anonymous forum for people working in the technology sector.

Google Meta

Η Apple and the Microsoft, on the other hand, pay, on average, less to entry-level engineers, although the remuneration of senior (experienced) executives is more comparable in Big Tech.

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The data is based on reports from Blind members on their pay from January last year to the current month. While public companies are required to report the average annual salary of all their employees compared to the pay of CEO Their, this kind of level-specific pay data is kept carefully unless you apply for a specific job. Blind is an anonymous platform, but it requires people to prove they are working using the email their work.

"Meta engineers seem to be moving up a level faster and have some of the highest pay."
"Microsoft provides many jobs for engineers Software, which may give it greater flexibility in the promotions given. However, their overall salary is lower than their competitors in all jobs, up to that of senior engineering staff."

Google Meta

According to Levels.fyi, the amount that private tech companies pay their employees depends on the experience each person has. For example, an L5 engineer at OpenAI can earn over 900.000$ (about 833.000€) per year!

Source: theverge.com

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