HomeinetA second-generation AirTag may be on the way

A second-generation AirTag may be on the way

According to the analyst Ming-Chi Kuo, the AirTag of the Apple recorded quite good sales, which could have positive results for its development. Although the company hasn't given too many information for the product since its launch a year ago, sales have gradually increased, which could lead to a second generation of the tracker.

See also: Ohio Bill Addresses AirTag Stalking


As Kuo shared in a post on Twitter, estimates for AirTag sales have reached approximately 20 million and 35 million units in 2021 and 2022, respectively.

"AirTag, which has not received much attention, has gradually increased in sales since its launch. AirTag's shipment estimates reach approximately 20 million and 35 million units in 2021 and 2022, respectively. If AirTag shipments continue to increase, I believe Apple will deploy the 2nd generation of."

With this in mind, we could finally see the announcement of a second generation. Although AirTag was intended to help the users to track items such as keys, headphones, backpacks, luggage, etc., there have been many cases where people have taken advantage of this product to track and rob people.

See also: Australian photographer found his stolen equipment via AirTag

second generation

Since the initial release of AirTag a year ago, Apple has made several improvements through firmware updates to address these issues. Η Device item tracking now makes a sound faster if found away from the original owner or even alerts for a person who may be carrying an AirTag that does not belong to him.

Apple even released an app Android to help users smartphone find out who really owns that AirTag and teaches them how to disable it.

See also: Android app detects tracking on Apple AirTag

For the second generation, analyst Ming-Chi Kuo does not specify what Apple could be preparing. For a new model, Apple could try to have anti-stalking features in advance, more powerful Speakers and perhaps modify the design so that it can be added to personal effects without additional accessories.

Absenta Mia
Absenta Miahttps://secnews.gr
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