Homegaming"Lords of the Fallen" Review

"Lords of the Fallen" Review

The opposing worlds of Lords of the Fallen are impressive and dangerous for exploration, full of enemies and traps designed to keep you on your toes.

Lords of the Fallen

This feeling is inevitable when you are in the gaming world. However, the programmer HexWorks used an engine that allows two different worlds to be displayed simultaneously, offering something akin to the modern "The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past" with its parallel dark world.

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As the Dark Crusader, you're able to easily navigate between the two worlds of Lords of the Fallen, Axiom and Umbral. You face leaders, pass through different levels and discover secrets in order to prevent the resurrection of the Demon God Adyr. As you progress, you incorporate both sin and religious repentance, creating a dark, yet fascinating universe. Lords of the Fallen begins with Create of a character, although it doesn't offer the same freedom as Dark Souls or Elden Ring. You also choose your character's class, setting the starting abilities, weapon, armor and Equipment Your. These choices are mostly a matter of personal preference, as you are able to change your build and try out new weapons as the game progresses.

One of the most important Features of Lords of the Fallen is the fantastic candle provided to you. This unique weapon allows you to switch between two different worlds, Axiom and Umbral, adding a unique dimension to the game. When you are in the physical world of Axiom, you can use your torch to see a mysterious reflection of Umbral in real time, which is not visible in the main world. This allows you to discover hidden paths, treasures and secrets.

In Lords of the Fallen, the world of Umbral deals with the death of the player in a compelling approach. When you die in the world of Axiom (and you will), you will not immediately lose all of your precious Vigor (which is the game's currency). Instead, you will return to the world of Umbral. However, to avoid losing Vigor, you must make a successful return from Umbral to Axiom. This function provide the players a second chance before their final death, which is especially useful for those who are not familiar with "soul" type games. This feature even works during boss encounters, offering an extra chance of survival when needed.

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Lords of the Fallen

The dual worlds of Lords of the Fallen are extremely dangerous, but the character is ready to meet this challenge. In addition, the game provides a unique range selection opportunity, accompanied by ammunition that can be replenished at rest at Vestige checkpoints, providing valuable options for dealing with distant enemies. In addition, you can discover various weapons such as axes, spells and even grenades, offering variety in Options of the player.

Source: techradar.com

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