HomeinetShock! Sick hacker hacked baby surveillance camera

Shock! Sick hacker hacked baby surveillance camera

If you need another good reason to know that your networks are secure, here's one: hacked baby monitoring.


In a true nightmare story in Texas, two parents reported waking up last weekend because they heard the voice of a stranger coming from the area where their 2-year-old girl was sleeping.

"I felt like someone broke into our house," Marc Gilbert told ABC's KTRK.

Gilbert quickly went into the room and heard the voice say, "Wake up Allyson, you little [expletive]." or in English "Wake up Allyson, you little ....... ."

The voice was coming from the camera that was monitoring their baby, then the camera turned around and started watching Marc while he went to unplug it.

Marc told Allyson that he didn't believe what he was hearing and apparently the event made the whole family shake.

"I don't think we're going to plug the camera back in ," Gilbert told ABC News.

It is well known that hackers target computer cameras, this is nothing new. It's creepy (not to mention illegal), but finding out that someone with malicious intentions is watching your baby is a fact that should be a wake-up call for all of us. From security experts to parents using technology to feel safe with their child. We should probably rethink quite a few things.

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