HomesecurityRussian Hackers Change the Ruble - Dollar Exchange Rate

Russian Hackers Change the Ruble - Dollar Exchange Rate

Russian Hackers Change the Ruble - Dollar Exchange Rate with the Help of.... Malware!!!

Russian Hackers Change the Ruble - Dollar Exchange Rate

A Russian hacker group has allegedly infiltrated Energobank (Kazakhstan) and has turned the Ruble - dollar exchange rates upside down.

In February 2015, the hacking group, known as METEL, successfully hacked the Russian Regional Bank for just 14 minutes and caused a change in the exchange rate from 55 to 66 rubles per dollar, which eventually led to an increase in the value of the ruble.Διαβάστε more: iPhone Error 53: Apple's move that has caused a storm of reactions!

How did they do it? 

According to the Russian security company Group-IB, which investigated the incident, the hacking group, Metel, infected Energobank with a virus known as the Corkow Trojan.

The hackers used a spear phishing technique, which appears to have come from a legitimate source. A simple click on the link and the malicious mail gains access to the system, which is followed by outright exploitation.

After gaining access to a local system, the trojan is able to wreak havoc by deepening its attack on the Intranet. In this way, the malware named Corkow found the isolated system that handles money transaction exclusively with the outside world.

The Corkow malware, originally discovered in 2011, updates itself to avoid detection by antivirus programs, and has infiltrated more than 250,000 computers worldwide and infected at least 100 financial institutions." variation="btn-success"]The first EthiHak live Contest is FABULOUS!!!!! Infocom 2016 - EthiHak Contest - Register TODAY!

Energobank claims to have lost more than 244 million roubles ( i.e. about $3.2 million dollars) because of these transactions.


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