7th InfoCom Albanian Telecom Forum
“Shaping the Digital Future”

The 7th InfoCom Albanian Telecom Forum (www.infocomalbania.com) titled « Shaping the Digital Future» will take place on Tuesday 24 and Wednesday 25 May, 2016 at Tirana International Hotel, Albania.
The global recession of the past few years has acted as an accelerant in creating the right environment for technological development. Global economies are increasingly integrating with digital technologies in a process of continuous interconnection and development, while countries which integrate technology in their business and public sector, face a great increased level of competition.
The global economy will find it hard to include countries which are not part of the digital evolution, as interconnection it’s the key for the being part in the markets ecosystem. Experts say that 4G may have changed the mobile phone industry, but 5G and the Internet of Things, will change our whole world.
The main sessions of the Telecom Forum are:
Day 1 – Tuesday 24th of May 2016
The broadband challenge
It is clear by far that Albania cannot limit itself regarding digital development. Albania needs to make big steps; steps which may need some help.
EaaS – Everything as a Service
Cloud computing is more than a simple tool for “cutting down costs”. It is a global platform to incite the business sectors in new innovative approaches.
The Revolution Internet of Things (IoT)
It can be easily proven that we have surpassed the initial steps of interacting with devices and we are fast pacing into the interaction between devices itself, creating the Internet of Things.
Day 2 – Wednesday 25th of May 2016 – Opportunities in a Digital Era
Digital Skills: The key for success!
Even though we consider the new generation as having a good relation with digital technologies, this relation not necessarily means knowledge.
E-commerce: Every business is digital business
One of the main topics on the European Union’s agenda, is “single Market”. The cross-border electronic trade. EU aims to remove all the present barriers for this issue, barriers such as: transportation, competition and confidence.
Social Media: Perception is Reality?
Social Media is a dynamic environment in constant evolution. Knowledge, information and social consciousness flowing through these networks and shaping our perspective.
Startup, Build up & Scale up: The 3D Business!
Considering that new business reality is filtered through technology, a big number of interested subjects are aiming toward these sectors.¬
Experts from Information and Telecommunication industry, Academic and Government authorities, will deploy their implementations, projects and vision toward the Digital transformation of the Albanian business and society. All major mobile and fi¬xed telecom operators are participating along with Albanian institutional entities and foreign speakers from the regional market.
The event is to be held under the Auspices of the Minister of Innovation & Public Administration, AKEP, Protik and AIF, in the frame of Innovation Week 2016. Furthermore, part of this year event will be a Regional Telecom Regulators Summit, under AKEP’s Auspice, with participants from all Balkan Telecom Regulators.
For more information about the Telecom Forum and its sessions, please visit www.infocomalbania.com. The event is promoted by various Media Sponsors, as well as by the related Social Media pages on Facebook and on Twitter.
Please confirm your free registration on: http://www.infocomalbania.com/7th-infocom-albanian-telecom-forum-2016/conference_registration/