HomesecurityHackers steal Airbus secrets by targeting Airbus partners

Hackers steal Airbus secrets by targeting Airbus partners

Airbus Η Airbus, the second largest airline company in the world, has fallen victim cyber attacks several times in recent months. The attackers exploited the systems of suppliers and other partners of the company. The experts Security believe that the attacks are coming from From hacking China's teams.

At the beginning of this year (January 2019), the company said it had been the victim of a cyber-attack. The airline's systems were hacked by some hackers and caused the leak data of customers and employees of the company.

Last year, the prosecutors of USA had accused China's intelligence officers and hacking groups of stealing information about a jet engine. The engine had been developed by companies supplying Airbus as well as competitor Boeing. The AFP news agency did an investigation. According to it, the attacks, that have taken place in recent months, and have affected Airbus, have taken advantage of several of the airline's partners, including French technology company Expleo, engine manufacturer Rolls Royce and two Airbus outsourcing partners based in France.

According to the AFP news agency, in the last year Airbus has experienced four major cyber attacks. According to reports, some attacks were aimed at stealing information about the military aircraft A400M and the aircraft Α350 of Airbus.

The AFP report does not say whether the attacks caused data leaks or affected other Airbus business. There is no firm information on the origin of the attacks but many security experts say the attack methods are very similar to those used by Chinese services Information.

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