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Apple Vision Pro: "Over-engineered DevKit" says former Oculus chief

The Apple Vision Pro headset first generation is an "over-engineered DevKit" that includes more sensors than are necessary to provide Apple's desired experience, according to Hugo Barra, former vice president of Android and former head of Oculus of Meta, which was phased out.

apple vision pro hugo barra head oculus

Barra, who oversaw the Oculus team in 2017 after its acquisition by Facebook, published an in-depth analysis of the spatial computing device of Apple, which is well worth reading. But a few thoughts are worth highlighting.

See also: Apple Vision Pro: Used in surgery

Hugo Barra reports that Apple has equipped the Vision Pro with an impressive six surveillance cameras, two transit cameras, two depth sensors and four eye-tracking cameras. This high-end Option, according to Barra, is "typical of a v1 product where the creator is counting on it to withstand the first difficult tests that early users will undoubtedly want to try the product."

Apple's decision to overprice the Vision Pro makes the headset over 600 grams, which makes it difficult to be comfortable for long periods of time. Many will have difficulty wearing them for more than 30-45 minutes without feeling uncomfortable.

Because of its heavy weight, Vision Pro has inevitably conquered the world as a high-quality devkit designed to spark interest. It realistically targets developers as its main audience. After all, Vision Pro is a devkit that helps prepare the world to welcome a technologically advanced Apple VR that could emerge in the product market in future generations.

Hugo Barra claims that Apple deliberately made the Vision Pro look blurry in order to improve the realism of the graphics, which he sees as a "smart move" by Apple.

"One of our biggest struggles with product placement within the Oculus VR team from the beginning-especially when trying to convince reviewers-has always been related to having unsustainable screens. Every Oculus headset released(including the most recent Quest 3) has had resolution/pixelation issues ranging from "terrible" to "pretty bad".

With Vision Pro optics slightly out of focus, Apple achieves "much smoother graphics across the entire surface, as well as hiding the door screen effect (meaning you won't see pixelation)." However, Hugo Barra expresses his displeasure with Vision Pro's "significant motion blur and image quality issues that make the transit mode unusable for longer periods of time."

apple vision pro headset

Read also: Meta: Delete all Oculus accounts?

It also mentions that motion blur during function passthrough was one of the reasons that led him to recall the Vision Pro. He cites that it's silly, puts unnecessary strain on the eyes and makes it difficult to use the headphones for long periods of time.

You can read the detailed report of the experience of Hugo Barra with Vision Pro on his blog. The Apple Vision Pro starts at $3,499 in the United States, with the device expected to launch in more countries later this year.

Source: macrumors

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