HomesecurityYouPorn: scam threatens to leak users' sex tapes

YouPorn: scam threatens to leak users' sex tapes

A new kind of scam is making the rounds on the internet, pretending to be an email from the website YouPorn. It warns them users that sex tapes of them have been uploaded to the site and asks them to pay to have them removed.

See also: YouPorn partners with HackerOne for a Bug Bounty Program


YouPorn is a widely recognized website that offers content for adults, but like all the other platforms of the Internet is not fully protected from malicious actors. It is extremely important for users to be aware of potential scams and how to deal with them in order to maintain the security of their personal and digital information.

In these scams through email, scammers pretend to have photos or videos of users engaging in sex acts and then ask for money to keep them from being published publicly.

In the past, these campaigns pretended to come from hackers who claimed to have infected the Device and recorded videos during sexual acts. They then threatened to leak the videos to the user's contacts, family and friends if he did not pay a ransom ranging from $500 to $5,000.

While these campaigns may seem invalid, they were quite successful when they were first introduced in 2018, generating over 50,000 $ in one week.

Since then, malicious actors have created various email extortion scams, including those pretending to be assassination contracts, bomb threats, CIA investigations, installation of ransomware and threats to infect the family of users with coronavirus.

See also: Russia bans adult websites Pornhub and YouPorn

This week, posted at on Twitter a new blackmailer pretending to be from the well-known adult website YouPorn. The program warns the recipient that sex tapes featuring him or her have been uploaded to the adult website.

sex tapes

This email pretends to have been sent from the and has the theme "Downloaded content: Comments required". It warns you that the alleged video will be published on the site in the next seven days unless you request its removal.

This email contains a link that appears to allow you to remove the video for free. However, these links are invalid, causing your browser to open its home page.

The email then contains a series of payments that can be made to have the video removed from YouPorn and other similar content sites on the network. However, these services cost 199 $, 699 $ or 1,399 $, with each level offering additional protection services. The email then encourages the user to pay for bogus removal services by sending the payment to a registered address Bitcoin.

Fortunately, the campaign did not yield any results and no payments have been made yet to any of the aforementioned Bitcoin addresses. However, it is possible that other Addresses in this campaign.

We would like to stress that these emails are scams. There have been reports that some people have received them and have been asked to pay to specific Bitcoin addresses.

See also: Russia: banned Pornhub and YouPorn - find real partners

If you receive this email, simply delete it. Although it may sound scary, it's a simple scam.

Absenta Mia
Absenta Mia
Being your self, in a world that constantly tries to change you, is your greater achievement

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