HomerapidalertAnonymous Global Hackers Crew: Exclusive interview with SecNews

Anonymous Global Hackers Crew: Exclusive interview with SecNews

The Anonymous Global Hackers Crew hacking group Anonymous Global Hackers Crew in a first exclusive interview with SecNews presents her own perspective on (in)internet security. Anon, one of the four founders of the Global Hackers Crew talks about the history of the hacking team, the ties that bind the members of the, him war by the media and governments, the media and governments, the hacking campaigns and their Targets them, major current affairs like the pandemic COVID-19 and much more.

They call themselves "cyber vigilantes" (heroes-punishers) but also hacktivists as the main objective of their work is the common good. According to the Anon "it's great to wake people up and our goal is to liberate the masses from propaganda"

The Anonymous Global Hackers Crew team consists of experienced hackers, of any age, with excellent skills on the programming, coding, password guessing and cracking, session hijacking, session spoofing, network traffic sniffing, denial of Service attacks, exploiting buffer overflow vulnerabilities, SQL injection and others.

Anonymous Global Hackers Crew: Exclusive interview with SecNews

How Global Hackers started Crew;

The Global Hackers Crew "were created by accident", according to Anon.

"I'm working on hacking from 93'-94' while doing other things around computers like running my own system with bots. Back then we were writing code in shifts so in my break I was watching TV. One day, on one of my breaks I came across an advertisement for a site with webcam shows for adults. Out of curiosity, I visited it without knowing exactly what I was doing and kept changing "rooms". There I met someone, who then became my girlfriend and showed me a different side of this site", the hacker reports. Illegal things were going on behind the scenes on this particular dating site. Anon wanted to expose the website administrators for their unethical activities.

"So, I started a little war with the bosses of this company and by chance while I was going to meet my girlfriend, I met someone on the bus who was also a hacker and we bonded and then he became one of the founding members of the Global Hackers Crew," stresses Anon. The founding members were joined by two more friends of the two hackers.  

This is how the four founders of the Global Hackers Crew came together. Over time, the group grew as more and more people wanted to get involved in their businesses. "We act for the good of people by warning them about online risks such as security leaks, which happened recently with Zoom.." stresses the hacker.

The Global Hackers Crew joined Anonymous because identified many similarities in their businesses.

Anonymous Global Hackers Crew: Exclusive interview with SecNews

The Anonymous is a decentralized international hacktivist group which is widely known for its various cyber-attacks against many governments, government institutions and government agencies and companies.

Anonymous was created in 2003 on the 4chan imageboard which represents the concept of many users of the community online and in real life who simultaneously existed as anarchists. Anonymous members can be distinguished publicly by wearing a Guy Fawkes mask in the style depicted in graphic novel and the film V for Vendetta. However, this may not always be the case, as some members prefer to cover their face without using the familiar mask as a disguise. Some Anonymous also choose to cover their voices through voice alteration programs.

Watch the full interview of the Anonymous Global Hackers Crew at Youtube channel of SecNews and if you wish to learn even more about the action of the hackers visit the Their YouTube channel and the Their Twitter account.


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