HomegamingLeague of Legends: the new Champion, Hwei with 10 abilities

League of Legends: the new Champion, Hwei with 10 abilities

League of Legends continues its updates, adding new protagonists and features to the multiplayer fighting arena video game. This weekend at Worlds, during the League's annual tournament, Riot Games shared some of the next big additions coming to the game. This includes the new protagonist Hwei, laying the Visionary, a young man from Ionia who uses his magic brush to paint a noisy series of spells, as well as a number of changes for the upcoming season, including adjustments to Summoner's Rift and changes to Baron.

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Ο Hwei is a unique protagonist, as he does not use the typical combination of QWER and the passive ability that most other League characters use. Instead, his Q, W, and E open spell books, each of which contains three spells. His abilities allow him to be "good at everything", able to go to mid lane or serve as support. There's a lot to look at in Hwei's kit, which includes a total of 10 spells. His Passive ability and Ultimate always remain the same, and he has the reset ability that allows him to change spell books.

Watch the Trailer of the new Champion here:

PassiveSignature of the Visionary

Hwei's offensive abilities against his enemies are highlighted for a few seconds. Hitting the marked enemies with another offensive ability creates an explosion underneath them, detonating after a short delay and dealing magical damage to all enemies in range.

QR/WR/ERWash Brush

Hwei clears his brush and returns to the skill base without using mana or wait times.

(Ultimate) RSpiraling Despair

Hwei fires a Despair vision that sticks to enemies for a few seconds. The vision expands and overwhelms all enemies it touches, dealing magic damage per second. Enemies within the zone are hit by stacks of Despair in time. Each Despair stack imposes a stacking progressive slow rate. Upon completion, vision is broken, dealing magic damage.

His Qs are based on the Disaster theme and allow him to deal quite a bit of damage.

Q - Subject: Disaster

QQ - Devastating Fire

Hwei draws a flaming fireball flying in the direction of the target. It explodes on the first enemy it hits or at maximum range, dealing magic damage plus damage at a percentage of the enemy's maximum life,to all enemies in an area.

QW - Severing Bolt

Hwei paints a long range arrow through the air as he takes aim. After a delay, the arrow hits, dealing magic damage. Enemies that are immobilized or isolated suffer increased damage based on their missing health.

QE - Molten Fissure

Hwei paints a field of volcanic eruptions, creating lava in its path. Each eruption deals magical damage to the enemies they hit. Enemies in the lava area take magical damage per second and are slowed down. Hwei's Serenity abilities, linked to his W, are the most supportive. Using his Serenity abilities, he can strengthen and protect his allies.

W - Subject: Serenity

WQ - Fleeting Current

Hwei paints a stream of fast water in a line for a few seconds, offering speed of movement to him and his allies.

WW - Pool of Reflection

Hwei creates a protective "bath" at the destination it is aimed at and lasts for a few seconds. His allies within the area immediately gain a shield, which increases in value over the course of a few seconds within the area.

WE - Stirring Lights

Hwei paints three swirling lights that rotate around him for several seconds. Hwei's next 3 attacks or spells deal additional magic damage and grant mana upon attack. The Torment skins represent Hwei's more tortured side as an artist - which makes sense considering his very close encounter with Jhin, Runeterra's darkest and most elegant serial killer. Torment skins offer high utility, providing vision to allies or disrupting enemies.

E - Subject: Torment

EQ - Grim Visage

Hwei launches a horrible face, dealing, magic damage and flee to the first enemy he hits for a short duration.

EW - Gaze of the Abyss

Hwei draws an eye of the abyss at the target location that provides vision and locks on to the nearest visible enemy. After a short delay, the eye fires at the locked enemy, immobilizing the first enemy in its path for a few seconds and dealing magical damage.

EE - Crushing Maw

Hwei paints crushing jaws that deal magical damage to enemies they hit and pull them towards the center, slowing them down by a certain amount that quickly diminishes.

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Hwei is an interesting looking wizard, but I'm very curious to see the new changes Riot has made to the Summoner's Rift map. Aside from the removal of Mythic items and the addition of new scenery, there are several new Void objectives. Baron, located in the river gorge, has received a visual overhaul. Before it appears, Baron's channel will now be occupied by Voidgrubs and Voidmites. The red brambleback and blue golem will become Void corrupted at 20 minutes into the game. The Rift Herald is also back, and players can use him as a pony and then destroy him in structures for massive damage.

Source: polygon.com

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