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Zero-Day in Internet Explorer Attention Windows XP users!

New Zero-Day at Internet Explorer. Please be aware that Microsoft has discontinued support for its old Windows XP operating system. This means that the company no longer has any security patches for this operating system.
Microsoft recently confirmed that a new vulnerability (zero-day) in Internet Explorer could be used to compromise systems running the company's browser.


According to the company, the browsers affected are Internet Explorer 6, Internet Explorer 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11.

You can see the Microsoft warning here.

The exploit exploits an unknown use-after-free vulnerability, and uses a well-known technique Flash exploitation to achieve arbitrary access to memory to bypass Windows ASLR and DEP protections.

Unfortunately, Windows XP is one of the affected platforms, and the operating system is no longer receiving support from Microsoft. It should be mentioned that the users affected by the latest IE vulnerability, are quite a few as Windows XP, is still installed on 28% of desktop computers around the world.

Microsoft had warned that this could happen, and suggested that everyone using the ancient operating system upgrade to a newer version.

Security experts Claim that disabling Vgx.dll, which according to Microsoft is responsible for rendering code in VML (Vector Markup Language) web pages, could be the easiest way to protect a system using Wwindows XP. Another easier way is to leave Internet Explorer and use another browser that continues to update.
If you want to delete the DLL, open a command prompt window with administrative privileges and run the following command:

regsvr32 -u "%CommonProgramFiles%\Microsoft Shared\VGX\vgx.dll"

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